What is the value-system and culture of your profession/wokplace? This question really sunk its teeth into me, perhaps because the answer has the potential to be soo fundamentally at odds with who I am. We all know the cliche aphorism "You are not defined by what you do". While this may ring some truth, I must admit I am a little reluctant to accept that what you do for a living and your character or personhood operate independently.
Thank you so much for sharing this, I am really interested in hearing stories of fellow squatters. I actually lived in Rotterdam for 1 1/2 years, and for a short time I lived in an antikraak in the center of Rotterdam. It was a office building from the 70's, slated for demolition, and the owners let people squat in it if they paid the utilities. The building was eventually demolished and everyone was told they had to move, but it was great while it lasted. I did a lot of research about squatting in the UK, and NL, they pretty much started the whole thing off, and legalised it for a time. I hope you can help support my project, http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-practical-guide-to-squat..., and spread the word. Thanks again!
Thanks for helping my spread the word. Actually most of the things in the book I have done, some I revised. The solar over I made, but a different version of it, I cooked hot dogs and hot chocolate in it in the dead of winter, under the sun when it was nearly -25 Celsius. No wifi at the orchard, I spend a lot of time at the library or at MCDonalds siphoning free wifi.
As for the Heroine, I would like to think that I would embrace the desire for experimentation from my child. I actually put my mother in this situation when I was young (not with heroine but other drugs and alcohol). She accepted that I would try these things regardless of her acceptance and thus let my sister and I do what we were going to do anyway at home. And I have to say in hind sight, she did the right thing. I feel like that experience led me to develop a better sense of self-control and judgement, because it really was up to me.