... Boyce, also in the science club, got a group of members together and they sued. Each received approximately $60,000 in compensation from MIT, Quaker Oats and the government. 60k? They should have gotten 600k and all future medical expenses paid. What are we turning a blind eye to now?
What are we turning a blind eye to now? -Good question, we likely won't know for some time.
Edit: typo
In fact, I think that the extent to which we've allowed society to be shaped by corporate competition and profit motive will at some future time seem absurd. We are still living in the shadow of a Capitalist/Communist debate that almost guarantees ignorance to actuality. i.e. Capitalism is good because we know Communism is bad. So we sacrifice again and again at the altar of not-Communism. Those kids jacked up on neuro-modulators are part of the sacrifice. They are the recipients of unnecessary action due to motivations that have extended too far. Their plight is the satiation of share-holders, and we know that's Capitalist and thus, not bad.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics The abyss leads you here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-4_Euthanasia_Program And it just keeps going: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment Remember kids, we gave this guy immunity for war crimes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiro_Ishii American eugenics isn't much of a secret. It's just that the people who know anything about it don't really bring it up.
This would be a nice inclusion in every US high school history book.
Re Shiro Ishii, "tell us how we too can make effective biological weapons and you're free to go". -- this way we can use them against the soviets should the opportunity arise. No wonder the soviets were pissed. I think mk asks a good question though, what's happening NOW that we will one day think "how the fuck could they let that happen"? As someone well versed in the history, any thoughts on the present?
He was in the navy. About to be shipped out to train in interrogating enemy combatants. Nice kid. Maybe 20. I kept in touch with him, after a fashion. He's on Diego Garcia now. Spends his days surfing and scuba diving, and his nights torturing muslims. Whatever we're doing, we're doing it abroad. The stuff we do here we do with full disclosure and paid volunteers. It's kind of remarkable what stupid shit people will do if you give them a little money. Robert Rodriguez documented this somewhat; his first film "Il Mariachi" was paid for entirely by money he earned subjecting himself to inpatient medical experimentation.
We were actually scheduled to go on the show and my parents found out. They were FURIOUS that their boy would even consider such a thing. They (thankfully) talked me out of it. But you are right "It's kind of remarkable what stupid shit people will do if you give them a little money". Thanks for jostling the memory.
I worked at a legendary bar in Seattle. The staff was thoroughly tribal. Incredible group of people - while most people formed relationships in college, mine were with a bunch of meth-addicted bartenders and musicians. Good people; most of them aren't even dead. Anyway. One of the pastimes this crew would had was to get on the Jerry Springer show. No less than eight of them had been on it. They traded tips. It was almost a rite of passage. And just like pro wrestling, everybody involved knew it was fake. As I recall, this account was written by rival bar staff. Amateurs. ;-) http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/jerry-rigged/Content?oid=...
Sometime you'll have to get around to telling the tale of the other two you took out.
some of them aren't even dead. -That shouldn't be as funny as it was.
I just posted a pretty interesting examination of this: http://hubski.com/pub?id=18386 We are all brainwashed to different degrees. IMO we need to teach the fault of belief. We need to raise consciousness of our fallibility. It's the only way we can avoid these types of things. Right and wrong will not help us.