Oh, same! Must've been all from the same thread :)
Alright, you can stay then :D
You didn't have to upload a portrait of your face when you registered? Get out!
+1 for JJ from me, too. Very good series, I can see how it's even better than Daredevil for people. I really, really like the villain. He's so awesome and one of the most interesting and original villains I've seen so far. On top of that, he's really well played. The pilot is also really well done, should hook you right away :)
Can't wait for Marvel to progress their Netflix series! Personally, I'm not really excited for the Luke Cage show, but then it's only one more for the Defenders series, which I'm already very hyped about (without reading any comics). So let's see how this holds up to the awesome Season 1!
As a German I basically have an endless stream of music to share, but nothing really stands out spontaneously that's worth sharing here... but I'm sure I'm just not digging deep enough right now. Only one thing came right to my mind, our wedding song. It's from a band called Silbermond (and obviously very, very cheesy, so I will spare you from any lyrics :D) Another Silbermond song. I don't think you don't need to understand German to get chills from her voice: Lyrics Her voice is exceptionally good! And she's also very, very good live. I listen to very little German music, especially in German. Since I'm a native, it can reach deeper in my heart, but it has to be really, really well done for that with a lot of feeling (and mostly cheesy). Listening to YouTube stuff right now, to find something else worth sharing. Remembering German punk bands! One of my favorite songs from an authentic German punk band WIZO (Lyrics) Also, everyone who has the slightest idea of music in Germany should probably know Die Toten Hosen (Lyrics). Great good mood song! But they also have a lot of very good older stuff. This is one of their most recent songs. But basically every German knows them and they have a very good reputation. Another one of my top 2015 tracks (synth pop) (in English, though, but a German artist that was casted in a show and won the Eurovision Song Contest): Honorable mention goes to Blind Guardian.. not really representing German music, but one of my favorite German band :) If anyone wants to explore more: German ballads: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL597D2A87EA355030 This one also contains some classics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5219C5FC3806FEA9 Well, there are surely a looooot of good songs missing as well as a lot of mandatory classics, but I think I got quite a good collection there to give you some intro to the German music. If you have specific genre requests, I can see what I can do :)
Huh?! What happened to him?
Interesting question! I just reflected on my year (music wise) and there was a loooot of variety and many different things of different genres. Here are my top 10 albums from 2015 according to my last.fm account: 1. Porter Robinson - Worlds [Electro / USA] 2. Purity - Ring Another Eternity [Synthpop / Canada] 3. K.I.Z. - Hurra die Welt geht unter [Hiphop / Germany] 4. Ratatat - Magnifique [Electro, experimental rock / USA] 5. Spor - Caligo [DNB / UK] 6. Lena - Crystal Sky [Synthpop / Germany] 7. alt-J - An Awesome Wave [indie rock / UK] 8. The Wombats - Glitterbug (Deluxe Edition) [indie rock / UK] 9. CHVRCHES - Every Open Eye [Synthpop / UK] 10. CHVRCHES - The Bones of What You Believe [Synthpop / UK] Interesting list, nothing is really old! Somehow I either didn't listen to much stuff in the first half of the year or I didn't like most of it :D The pattern of genres also continues like this, up to place 30 it's just a mix of indie rock, synthpop and electro with the occassional hiphop thrown in! Fun fact: the record for most listened song in 2015 have 2 Porter Robinson songs from the before mentioned album, each having 17 plays. I guess I like my diversity :) Everything under place 26 has less than 10 plays throughout the year. Gotta check out some of the stuff you guys posted later at home, but Sufjan is also in the top 30 :)
Obviously it's all speculation and it's too early to tell yet, but I have a feeling that this will not really benefit the poor people. I saw a comment from Finnish guy (who knows how right/legit he was) and he said if you got a lot of benefits, you will be having less when the new rule is active and I can see how this happens. In Germany you also get a certain amount of money if you're too poor, but on top of that you get unemployment money (if you worked before), you get benefits for school trips for your children, vouchers for school books, they pay you a flat, and much more, and if you add all that up, I don't know if a certain amount will make up for that even if it looks like a lot at first. How to circumvent or even prevent that, I don't know, but I think it might not be the solution we're looking for, maybe it might make the situation for the lower class even worse, depending on what gets cut on the other ends. Only time will tell...
Oooh, the deductable tag is a really great idea. I will totally steal that for my YNAB habbits. It supports some coloring/flags you can set. I'm gonna go ahead later and define one for deductable. So smart! Thanks. (I should also define one for money I expect to get back, actually. And another shade of this color for "debts collected". This way I can also see if anyone hasn't paid their debts yet.)
I'm suggesting Equilibrium with Christian Bale! I remember writing an essay about it over 10 years ago in my English class and if you look under the surface I feel like the movie has a lot to offer. Didn't link any trailer, because all I've looked at gave to much away from the story already.
From what I got the last time I talked / joined about the movie club thing, I was told the Star Wars movies were just a side thing and the "regular" thing still goes on
I see, thanks for the write-up :) The streaming-session... how long is it announced in advance? SInce I'm from Europe, I assume I can't take part myself, because of the timezones, but maybe the announcement is like 2 weeks in advance, then everyone also has a chance to watch it themselves and then just join the discussion afterwards. I think I'll subscribe to the tag for now and see how things work and if it even makes sense for me to participate (if I can't join the sessions and I don't have time to watch the movies, there's not really a point :D), but I'll keep it in mind! Thanks :)
Sounds good! Dunno if I can take part next time already (because I need to watch all 6 Star Wars :D) but maybe it's a film I know already :) Thanks for explaining stuff, sounds good, I'll keep an eye on it
Hey guys, I want to re-watch Star Wars too soon! So how does this movie club thing work? Is there a short run down how things work? Also, before watching the series, I'd suggest reading this (beware: it sounds crazy, but it isn't!) It sadly makes less sense if you follow the machete order and skip Ep 1. Thanks!
Haha, yep! People are so confused because they want it to happen
Awesome! Contacted the local cinema right away to ask when the tickets go on sale here. Also, I'm glad that there are trailers out there that don't spoil major plot points
I have the tab open daily and when I have time I also skim my feed a couple of times a day. Sometimes that or less is what I do for a week or two, sometimes there are topics that really spark my interest and then I read/comment on 2-3 or more threads a day for a couple of days. I'm not really making myself contribute just for the sake of it, which makes me a sinus wave user :D Regarding the favorite thing I have to join c_hawkthorne and say the people. The people, and obviously the discussions that come out of it. In every discussion you will have a lot of profound opinions with arguments and quite often with that a nice debate. If I want to take people more seriously and read something else than the easily digestible stuff I'm reading most of the day, I'm coming here. And I'm with you regarding the spelling: The faq writes it Hubski, but I also prefer hubski, just because it looks better imho.
Now that's what's changed... I was wondering... I like the idea, looks somehow way cleaner, and the number is not that important anyway and if you really want to know it, it's 1 click away. +1
Looks pretty interesting.. I use leankit for work, so Trello is quite similar but with a more casual approach... I just tested the Trello app, too, and is there a way to see the calendar in there? Or a widget you can get to make the calendar a small tile on the phone? I really like the calendar feature (that would allow me to have everything centralized), but mobile there seems no way to access that :/
I see... in the worst case I will use the calendar feed and add it to my gCal
Aww, very personal insight! Thanks for sharing. I always knew some people here are more personal with each other than others, but that's a good example that sheds some light on some of them and gives you an perspective, especially to the anonymity of other big sites where your name means nothing.
Reminded me a little about this video regarding Yogi Bear's collar he had: It was also due to various constraints in the medium :)
At least they submitted it to /r/conspiracy :D
I can also recommend edX, they offer a couple of courses where you'll get introduced into programming basics (granted, at a pretty decent speed). I did there a Python as well as a C# course, and both would be fine for beginners, if they're eager to learn. If you look specifically for Python, I can recommend Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python by the MIT. It started just two weeks ago, so you'd have to do a bit of catching up, but while teaching you the basics of Python (a very versatile and beginner friendly language), the course also teaches to 'think like a programmer'. A book I'd recommend, would be Think Python which is free and available for Python 2.x as well as 3.0. Another resource: once you started to get a feeling for the stuff, you can also check out pluralsight.com, a great resource for tutorial videos. While lacking a bit of content for Python, it offers a lot of general programming tips or for example C# stuff. Good luck! PS: The cs50x course amar mentioned is also one of the courses I did and I liked it as well! With the MIT and this one, you should be more than fine on a basic level.
I had no problems finding a version with subtitles! Since I don't speak any norwegian myself :)
Yeah, that's true, you'll find way more info on the browser in the patch notes etc. on the blog. Maybe they start promoting it more when it's beta? Just as the old Opera, it comes with a full package if you want to register. Mail, some webspace, maybe a blog, forums, etc. But if you just use the browser, you won't really notice any of this stuff and don't have to use it. The second part is what they're advertising or promoting on their main page currently.