Any interest in ear plugs? I live in an apartment in a busy urban neighborhood, though I use them mostly to block out traffic noises and my cats playing at night. I'd draw the line at the point where you can literally feel the damn music.
I enjoy hiking the 46, but I'm not terribly serious about it. I don't even have a complete list of hikes I've done; I'd have to confirm details with my Dad and other people we hike with. I would like to complete it though, I just don't have the time to commit to it seriously. Hopefully I'll do it before I'm too old lol Good luck on your trip, three peaks in five days is still a nice chunk of hiking! What hike do you plan on doing as your last?
Great stuff! The only Ergs! I'd heard before this is a Brave Little Abacus cover of one of their songs.
What summits? I probably have half left? Mostly the ones that are off the usual beaten paths.
They've also tinkered too much with the playoff system. I started watching back in '02, where it was just a season long accumulation of points. Then they switched to the chase format in '06, which wasn't so bad. Then a few years ago they switched it to a round elimination format? I'm not sure, it was around that switch that I stopped caring. Of course any point system is arbitrary, but switching it up every year does not help legitimize the champions in your sport.
The new (relative) mellowness is a bit jarring. Hopefully it grows on me.
The new American Football album is excellent. It's not out yet, but if you look hard enough you should be able to find a download link.
I guess the Times published this so they can plausibly dodge accusations of liberal bias? I subscribe to the Times, and the vast majority of their content is anti-Trump.
Thank you!
Mind copying the article in here? I'm hitting a paywall.
It's a grower, but well worth the listens.
I got a sick, nervous feeling in my stomach reading this. Say it ain't so...
sighs in relief
New Johnny Foreigner album: Mono No Aware
I gotta go with Bulls on Parade, but I respect the choice of any RATM track.
Primo Levi - If This Is A Man Haven't made much progress yet, for lack of time.
At what point do we become numb to these type of attacks? I can't even remember the names of all the different mass attacks this year...
What did you do on this farm to make a living? And why did your time there end up being pivotal?
Fascinating, thank you for posting this. I'm ashamed to admit I assumed AAVE was just a sloppy version of American English. While I take responsibility for not educating myself earlier, my very white, conservative, and affluent background did not help matters. To illustrate my point: when I was in middle school, one of the boys in my grade wore a hand made shirt to gym class with the phrase "Hooked on Ebonics" on the front. We all had a good laugh, including the teacher! I look back on this now and cringe. When I have kids of my own I hope to teach them the value of critical thinking and the dangers of blindly assuming.
Really digging Kinkajous, thanks!
Can you elaborate on us almost being a binary star system?
Very interesting, thank you for taking the time to model this!
Fascinating, thank you!
I can't say anything comes to mind, just anything you think is of particular importance. You are the legal expert after all!!
Great write-up, I'd love to see more content like this! Perhaps you could also do a periodical write-up on other legal issues of note in the United States? Also, in McDonnell v. United States, was McDonnell's conviction overturned by the ruling? Or would it just be retried?
I just graduated from my grad program, so no more tuition! But now I have to start paying back my loans... :(