I don't have a kid, and the legal hours means you spend every minute of the day accompanied by the noise. The legal standard is "you have to be able to sleep". The problem with "when you can't take it' is honestly that it is just sound and I can always just smile and deal with it no matter how long or how annoying it is. I can deal with someone playing a stereo outside my room from sun up to sun down, constant music through my day, I've done it before, it's not like it does any real damage or I absolutely am incapacitated by it. I agree with you, the moment I can not be in an apartment or have the choice to be in a place where stereo's and loud music in general are banned I will be.
I can deal with music noise up to a point. I had a neighbor that would leave his dog in the yard to bark for 10-12 hour stretches, sometimes overnight. That fucking dog would bark loudly every 5-10 minutes. It made me insane. I tried to talk to him about it with civility but he wasn't listening. I got less civil. He was convinced that I was giving him a hard time about his dog because he was a gay guy that liked to cross dress. I couldn't give a fuck about his or anyone elses sexual or sartorial proclivities, I just wanted to not listen to his shitty dog all my waking moments. It was a strange scene, a half made up drag queen, screaming at me about being a bigot while I begged him to just put his fucking dog in at night. I actually considered killing the dog at one point.
I actually considered killing the dog at one point.
Wow. That's desperation. What ended up happening? You move? Neighbor move? Dog run away? That might have been the solution, untie the dog and let it out. Or drive it three towns away, with no tags on.
Why is sound-proofing apartments not a standard? I used to be able to hear my neighbor climaxing weekly when I was living at home. It's not hot.
We build stuff as cheap as possible in this country. All it has to do is last longer than the litigation and its a win. Moving from 2x4 to 2x6 and proper interunit fireproffing solves a lot of the noise issues. And the place is stronger better insulated, more energy efficient and the people inside will not wage wars over noise. I've lived in shitty apartments, places that should have never been built in the first place. The house I am in now was built in the 50's and will outlast most of the commercial property I've seen built in the last 10 years.
I'm a libertarian in the sense that I think people should generally be free to do anything, with no hard bans. For example, a tax on stereos, or a means by which those who loudly play them at others expense to have to pay for the right, is preferable to a ban from my point of view. I am not a "all things free always" idiot-tarian like they exist in the us "taxes are theft" and so on.
You're not quite there yet, otherwise you'd use caps lock
I hear you (haaa). When I'm looking through data, it's like piecing together a crime scene, but I'm not Dafoe in Boondock Saints. I need an isolation tank.
I heard a term on 4chan that described something I enjoy. Technical Death Metal There is a ton of it, most if it in not shit. This pleases me.
I know this is a bit off-topic but was the music any good?
Any interest in ear plugs? I live in an apartment in a busy urban neighborhood, though I use them mostly to block out traffic noises and my cats playing at night. I'd draw the line at the point where you can literally feel the damn music.