I don't. But I'm pretty stellar at After Effects and Photoshop and FCP/AVID/Premiere and I can learn things pretty fast - although I've heard Flash is a really intense program. I also have a pretty good grasp on the whole internet thing and what people want to see and how to visually show things and tell a story.
In NYC I worked at a similar place photographing and animating short (15-30sec) videos showing off their products.
I wrote a ton of shit last night, collecting my thoughts and all, but now I'm having a little crisis and feeling that I'm not qualified at all and why am I even doing this.
How do I let them know that I'm not a programmer or web designer or know Flash while still letting them know I can do things that will be valuable to them?
Also, it's pouring fucking rain so the cute white blouse and high waisted skirt isnt going to work anymore. Unless I want them to see through my shirt and my legs to be purple from the cold when I walk in. Actuallly....the seeing through my shirt might work to my advantage...if the web guy lives in his mothers basement.
UPDATE alright so it went pretty well. we had a nice conversation rather than an interrogation style interview. I'm going to come in tomorrow at 9am and he's gunna throw some projects at me that have med-high priority and see what happens. Basically it's a sink or swim situation. I'm going to be working with Illustrator and Fireworks tomorrow so he told me to "reacquaint myself with them." I'll see how I do. I'm shit terrified but I'm going to give it my all and see what comes of it. We also had a nice conversation about reddit and fb and twitter and the internet in general and he seemed impressed with the things I said (and gave me a high five for being a redditor.) He said "whether the rest of the company likes it or not, I'm going drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century" so I guess the fact that I'm already in the 21st century is a big plus.
I have some tutorials for Illustrator but they are CS3. So if any of you have good online tutorials for Illustrator or Fireworks CS5, PLEEEEASe send them my way. Since I am competent with some Adobe programs, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out how to do specific things with other Adobe programs, right?
Anyways - thank you guys (steve b_b thenewgreen Mindwolf ElGuapo JakobVirgil so much for the advice and support. It really did help calm my nerves as I was driving there shaking like Michael J Fox on meth. Much love. <3
Also - recommendations on not-too-pricey good comfy headphones. Real headphones, not earbuds. Amazon links appreciated. LET'S SPEND MONEY!
Not because of some software you do or don't know. They're hiring your ability to think critically, act decisively, and work independently. There are some other great suggestions here from your fellow hubskiers. Ask questions. know about the company. You can learn flash, programming, etc, etc, etc. What some one can't learn is to be as wicked ass smart and articulate as you are. Shoulders back, head high, boobs out. Own it.
Sometimes when it's sink or swim, don't forget to look down. The water might only be 3 feet deep ;) Edit: Im too late on the headphones too, haha.
http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/757685-REG/Sony_MDRZX1... They're inexpensive - comfy - fold flat(ish) in your bag and you can pick them up locally at record stores, target, walmart, etc. I love them. I have two pair. One at work that I wear almost all day and one at home. I have used to monitor music at a dance party, monitor audio during video shoots, and mix audio at home. Are they as awesome as the $100 sonys? no. Are they as "cool" as the beats by dre? no. But they are hella-awesome for sub $20. I've been rolling these for a year since my kids got a hold of my previous ones... (http://www.mygofer.com/shc/s/p_10175_27151_018W009955011012P...) which were awesome as well. They didn't fold flat, so frankly the new ones, though slightly different (and a shorter cord) are a nice upgrade. [edit] Oh yeah - they come in white too (if you're so inclined)
I've rarely used headphones since I used to live alone. But now that I'll be in an office and I work in my dad's office at home a lot, I need some. If I use them a lot, I might upgrade to the others recommended in this thread
Anyways, I'm glad things went well for you insomniasexx.
Problem solved. The key to landing a job is being outgoing and confident without coming off as cocky. They will ask you questions, but you should ask them questions, too, to show that you're actually interested in their company. Being engaging is the most important thing. Who gives a shit if you lie about how familiar you are with Flash? You can learn flash, but you can't learn to be a great person to talk to. That comes naturally.
Most importantly, sell yourself on the way out. Shake his hand look him in the eye and say something to the effect of "I'm excited about this opportunity, I know I'd be a great fit and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you. When can I expect to hear from you"?... or something like that. If he asks a question that stumps you say, "that's a great question"... this buys you some time to think and then answer the question in a way that allows you to focus on something you had wished he's asked. Bill Clinton famously said, "I always answered the question I wished I'd been asked". -Guy always seemed pretty cool under pressure, didn't he?! Be assertive! On a personal note when speaking, slow down your pace and ask questions. Don't be nervous. You've got this! You're mother-effing-insomniasexx! [edit] -Go in to this with the mindset that you're well qualified and they'd be lucky to have you. Confidence is king. Also, don't ever say anything negative about a former position, boss, project etc. Pretty much zero negativity. -You don't strike me as someone that this needs to be pointed out to though, but just in case.