I don't. But I'm pretty stellar at After Effects and Photoshop and FCP/AVID/Premiere and I can learn things pretty fast - although I've heard Flash is a really intense program. I also have a pretty good grasp on the whole internet thing and what people want to see and how to visually show things and tell a story.
In NYC I worked at a similar place photographing and animating short (15-30sec) videos showing off their products.
I wrote a ton of shit last night, collecting my thoughts and all, but now I'm having a little crisis and feeling that I'm not qualified at all and why am I even doing this.
How do I let them know that I'm not a programmer or web designer or know Flash while still letting them know I can do things that will be valuable to them?
Also, it's pouring fucking rain so the cute white blouse and high waisted skirt isnt going to work anymore. Unless I want them to see through my shirt and my legs to be purple from the cold when I walk in. Actuallly....the seeing through my shirt might work to my advantage...if the web guy lives in his mothers basement.
UPDATE alright so it went pretty well. we had a nice conversation rather than an interrogation style interview. I'm going to come in tomorrow at 9am and he's gunna throw some projects at me that have med-high priority and see what happens. Basically it's a sink or swim situation. I'm going to be working with Illustrator and Fireworks tomorrow so he told me to "reacquaint myself with them." I'll see how I do. I'm shit terrified but I'm going to give it my all and see what comes of it. We also had a nice conversation about reddit and fb and twitter and the internet in general and he seemed impressed with the things I said (and gave me a high five for being a redditor.) He said "whether the rest of the company likes it or not, I'm going drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century" so I guess the fact that I'm already in the 21st century is a big plus.
I have some tutorials for Illustrator but they are CS3. So if any of you have good online tutorials for Illustrator or Fireworks CS5, PLEEEEASe send them my way. Since I am competent with some Adobe programs, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out how to do specific things with other Adobe programs, right?
Anyways - thank you guys (steve b_b thenewgreen Mindwolf ElGuapo JakobVirgil so much for the advice and support. It really did help calm my nerves as I was driving there shaking like Michael J Fox on meth. Much love. <3
Also - recommendations on not-too-pricey good comfy headphones. Real headphones, not earbuds. Amazon links appreciated. LET'S SPEND MONEY!