We are glad you found us, Welcome!
I have been having a blast talking with so many of you all day long, truly. We have musicians, scientists, doctors, writers, artists, outdoorsman etc. all joining our small community. It's fantastic.
Here's the rub though. Hubski takes time to get used to and it can be daunting for a new person that is used to another site. However, those that stick it out and figure out the mechanics, have loved it.
Okay, I am exhausted and I'm going to sleep now. If you have any questions about the site, you can PM me and I'll get to it in the A.M. Otherwise, I would be willing to bet that your question could be answered by reading the...
Enjoy the site! Stick around and spread the word to your smart friends. Tell your dumb friends that Hubski sucks and they shouldn't bother.
Those of you in the US, Happy Independence Day!
- Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
At Hubski, you are your own mod. Enjoy the freedom :)
As a UI/UX designer, I'm pleased to have joined here. I love Reddit, but Hubski takes the cake on better design. Thank you for the intro!
This is nice to read, thank you. There are a number of people responsible for design decisions, chief among them is mk. He's a less is more sort of fella.
What I love about Hubski is that the experience on my desktop, my iPad Mini, and my LG G3 are all identical and equally awesome. The Other Place needed two different apps for my mobile devices in order to make it usable. Completely agree with you on the design.
I love the work you guys have done on hubski, really. I had the aha moment a little while ago, about how this all works, and it's a stroke of genius. I think hubski is something special. And with reddit imploding, or at least deflating, losing the best and the worst, there is no doubt there's never been a better time to attract the best from reddit who are interested in the discussion, and not just scoring a few cheap points in a shouting match. Voat can have the worst :-)
Thank you for the saying so matjam, I think that "aha" moment that you describe is sadly, something that not everyone has the patience to get to. This has actually served us well in the past as those without the resolve to "figure it out" end up leaving. We had a number of circle jerkers come by a few years ago and they quickly got bored and left. The good people stick around, which is awesome. time to attract the best from reddit
Please feel free to invite the best over. Leave the chaff.
I signed up to reddit years and years ago and always enjoyed reading the comments, though commenting wasn't really my thing. I tried, once, and it came up that I was a girl and the entire conversation deteriorated from there. These days, I don't even enjoy reading anything on reddit. There's only so many times you can see the same joke/meme pop up before your eyes start bleeding and I'm happy to poke around here and see what I can come up with.
Yeah, the "But why male models?" line was funny the first few times I saw it IN THE MOVIE... The first 90 times I saw it on Reddit, not so much.
This website does have tight moderation on hate speech, correct? Arthur chu just recommended it to me and I want to make sure I know that this is a good alternative.
Hey, me too. I'm already finding the DIY moderation tools handy. I wanted to follow #feminism, but this one user was clogging it with stuff I didn't want to see in that feed, so I just filtered them.
Excellent idea....love that filtering. Now I don't have to get my panties in a bunch on topics I could give a shit about. That should make everyone happy.
You are your own moderator here, but beyond that, check out this post regarding moderation on Hubski. Also, recently we made a "PSA Welcome to Hubski, Redditors" post that spoke to this topic as well: edit: Arthur Chu or the "forest bounce?" -If so, send him my regards. If not, also send him my regards :) If you have any questions about the site, feel free to PM me. You can also check out our primer page:
Hi, thank you for the warm welcome! I have been lurking on many sites for years, and hubski for about a month, but only decided to join today. I will be truly participating on a community website for the first time, as the discussions here seem thoughtful and varied. I am also interested on how the self moderating will work out.
I'm glad you have decided to join up and to finally join in the discussions of one of the communities you frequent. Let me know if I can ever be of any help.
Hi! Im a university student studying something related to biological sciences, i wonder how could i find scientific content here? Reddit had several subreddits which covered the subject nicely, but I'm kinda lost here...
Check out #science
mk theadvancedapes and b_b are all scientists. Maybe follow them to start?
Also, welcome!
Awesome. I'm enjoying the site so far, but I'm sure there's more I could be doing with it. The primer is a great page to have for new users since this is far from a Reddit clone and behaves differently. All in all, thanks for the effort you guys have put in so far to welcome new users.
Thank you for the recognition Dominique, it's appreciated. If you or anyone else is interested in the history of the site, white made a great comment earlier that may provide some insight:
I like it so far - have been busy and not had a lot of chance to use it. I'm a librarian at an academic university (archival processing to be exact), and I'm excited to learn more stuff here!
I actually found a link you posted somewhere else with the primer page. Read through it and within 30 minutes had forgotten some of the things and was searching last night. Glad this is out in the open again so I can remember to URL and refresh on a few of hubskis features. Thanks for this.
You're welcome! I'm glad the primer page is helpful. We have had a number of reddit influxes over the years and as such we have implemented a number of tools to help the on boarding process. The tutorial, the primer page etc. Feel free to shout-out or pm to me if you have any questions, any time.
Thank you very much! It's funny how polarizing the aesthetic can be, people either love it or hate it. mk and others have put a lot of time in to it. Glad you are enjoying your time here. Don't be a stranger.
I can see what you mean by how daunting this website can be. It's kind of a mix between Tumblr and Reddit, but so far I'm really enjoying it. Everyone really seems to be reasonable and welcoming so far. Reddit has kind of been losing it's excitement for me anyways, and I never really felt welcome or comfortable posting there. Like matjam said, most of the people that are in it for pointless points (heh) can go to Voat.
I'd agree with this. I made it into the lounge with some gold and from there I started branching into smaller communities of people and it slowly became more enjoyable. As for the rest I agree. There is only one problem I see right now... Their going to need a bigger Voat for people to come aboard.
Do you think that one big reason why Voat will be getting a lot more users from Reddit is because of its similarities to Reddit? The first time I went on the site it looked exactly like Reddit but with a different skin. It also seemed as if it uses the same point system of Reddit. It just seems as if Redditors will have a much easier time transitioning to a site like Voat instead of someplace slightly different like Hubski.
Thanks for checking us out, I can see your comparisons, but I would also say that the sharing mechanism is a lot like twitter. Let me know if you have any questions about the site. Welcome!
Thanks for the warm welcome! So far this site has been like a breath of fresh air. I'm looking forward to getting to know it and see all the things it has to offer, as well as what I can offer in return.
Sure thing! Enjoy the air and be sure to let me know if you have any questions about anything regarding 1. Hubski, 2. life ... or 3. the Beatles. Numbers 1 and 3 I'm an expert in. Number 2, you may want to inquire elsewhere, but I'll do my best :) Welcome!
Thanks. But you sound kinda terrified that your new influx of users might not like this site. And telling people that there's a rub, and that it can be "daunting," well, that's a turn-off. It's as if you don't believe in the usability of your own product. Maybe the months in the barren wilderness have gotten to ya... Anyway, next time try something like: While most new users take to Hubski like fish to water, some users who are accustomed to Facebook or Reddit may take a while to acclimatize. It's like switching from writing with a quill to writing with a ball-point pen: weird at first, but you pretty soon get used to it, and you'll never want to go back.
I'm not trying to sell you anything, maybe you're not used to that.you sound kinda terrified
nopeAnd telling people that there's a rub, and that it can be "daunting," well, that's a turn-off
It's honest. If a learning curve is a turn off, hubski will not be for you. It's as if you don't believe in the usability of your own product.
We've been around for almost 5 years. I don't have to believe in the usability. I use it. Many of us have been using it for years. Maybe the months in the barren wilderness have gotten to ya
I have no idea what you mean by this. next time try something like: While most new users take to Hubski like fish to water...
Well, that didn't last long - I didn't even see all the drama.
It's possible (and I hope this is the case) they may have simply decided to grab a new screen-name and start again, without this interchange hanging over their head. As kb sez : lurk moar
You know what, I have been fretting about this all day, no matter what nothing beats a face to face conversation and I fear that I may have misinterpreted their original post. Also, I think they may have thought my reply was more antagonistic than I intended it to be. That said, I'm able to see much of the conversations etc happening since the influx, though by no means all of it, and it seems like the OVERWHELMING majority of new users are absolutely amazing. Seriously. Very thoughtful and interesting people.Well, that didn't last long - I didn't even see all the drama.
Yeah, it's not representative of what is occurring in this influx.
Try not to fret about it, tng - you're a class act all the way, as far as I can see.
Thanks Brian, see #27. Also, that may be the first Taylor Swift song I've ever heard, knowing it was TS.
I think your link needs "pub" where "edit" is - but I saw what you meant.
That's the only TS song I know; just tryin' to be cool :-)
Good luck to you in your pursuits.I'm starting to see why you haven't gotten anywhere in 5 years.
We have built an amazing community, we have done so much together as a group. If Hubski had reached its apex four days ago, I would have counted it a major achievement in my life. Your initial comment was presumptuous which I can handle but this one is flat out rude.
Perhaps you could learn from your own advice of choosing words carefully. There may well be some valid criticism within your comments, but they're worded in an antagonistic fashion. A prime rule to giving criticisms is to try and make it sound that, as much as possible, it is not the person's fault. It is always a problem with the thing you're observing, never the human behind it. The original comment starts off with the direct personal assertion of: Which is then followed by: Wording it like that makes it sound like it's a criticism of thenewgreen as a person rather than what the post says. It is of no surprise if someone becomes defensive after that. Especially as anyone who actually knows tng would be aware that he is incredibly passionate about the site and its users. He clearly believes in the project he is part of. By making the comments personal you leave little option than for the other person to refute your remarks. A less confrontation way to write those sentences (which I don't actually agree with) might be: or That way, you can say the same thing and it also allows the OP to look at the observations as objectively as possible without having to deal with what sounds like unfounded attacks on his character.you sound kinda terrified that your new influx of users might not like this site
It's as if you don't believe in the usability of your own product.
The post makes it seem like the site is scared of new users
The way the post is worded gives off a sense of uncertainty in regards to the site's usability
Absolutely nothing in that post was hostile, defensive, or argumentative. Whereas almost every word you have written is exactly what you described. I think what he's saying (and you're missing) is that Hubski was not set up to be a Reddit replacement during their recent turmoil. That's all he's ever said in his original post or in his reply to your feedback.
I'm really happy to have found you hubski. I like thoughfull systems and yours is one of the few I want to be part of. At the same time I'm feeling like an intruder because of the fear of destroying something beautiful. love to learn more edit: also, the design is awesome
Thanks Hertha, I'm glad you found us. No need to feel like an intruder, this place was built to be intruded upon. Jump in!