Tags are chosen by the users who make the post. People in the community can also add a tag to a post. You can read about the community tag feature here: http://hubski.com/pub?id=42878 If there isn't a tag, it's because we haven't had any users use the tag yet. I'm guessing posts that fall under conspiracy are being tagged privacy or politics or economics or whatever. Go ahead and start making posts with that tag and get it going! I'll follow it. As far as I know, Hubski doesn't have some big conspiracy against conspiracy....
Oh no, not my implication! Just checking. I'll be sure to start using that tag judiciously then. Thanks for the info!
You're welcome. I look forward to reading some new material re: conspiracies. I never subscribed to /r/conspiracy but perhaps you can change my ways.
I am more of a learner than an educator. In that regard, I hope to stick to what is relevant, and avoid the pitfalls of the money circuit, and the other popular red herrings. I have no intention of flooding people with total nonsense, I am intrigued that this community seems to be more conversation based. I'm hoping that will translate with some of the ideas about our reality that are less moored in the zeitgeist than what the MSM has on offer.