Hi there pubski and friends I had a ticket to fly to Vancouver this morning, but forfeited it (note to self: get a refundable ticket next time). I came down with conjunctivitis, aka pink eye, and that seemed to lead to other itis's. It is not recommended to fly with a severe head cold, stuffy ears, and infecting all the other passengers, so here I sit, visiting my beloved hubski. I still have a return ticket for next week . . . so I'm hoping to get better soon and pick up a cheap flight (the one that charges $90 for a carry-on).
Thank you. I imagine the updot is for my appearance, not my conjunctivitis. For the length of this sticky eye illness, I have wanted to walk around yelling "And" "But" as in "Permanently," a love poem by Kenneth Koch that has this line: A lonely Conjunction here and there would call, “And! But!”
I understand the impulse and empathize with the realization that the explanation kills the joke.