Hi there pubski and friends I had a ticket to fly to Vancouver this morning, but forfeited it (note to self: get a refundable ticket next time). I came down with conjunctivitis, aka pink eye, and that seemed to lead to other itis's. It is not recommended to fly with a severe head cold, stuffy ears, and infecting all the other passengers, so here I sit, visiting my beloved hubski. I still have a return ticket for next week . . . so I'm hoping to get better soon and pick up a cheap flight (the one that charges $90 for a carry-on).
Thank you. I imagine the updot is for my appearance, not my conjunctivitis. For the length of this sticky eye illness, I have wanted to walk around yelling "And" "But" as in "Permanently," a love poem by Kenneth Koch that has this line: A lonely Conjunction here and there would call, “And! But!”
I understand the impulse and empathize with the realization that the explanation kills the joke.
The shed is coming along. It was more work than expected, and the weather turned for the worse, but the roof is now watertight, it's like 5 times stronger than it was and I think I used up two thirds of the wood for the exterior. i do feel a bit...saddened now that it's only five days until I start working again. I could get used to this pensioner lifestyle. There's still a lot to do in my mind - mostly DIY projects, and hobbies like learning Solidworks to scaping my new aquarium and I doubt I'll finish it all before Monday rolls around again.
I have joined that cohort of residential owners who blocks planning applications that would have enabled a bar to become a live music venue. My intentions are not evil, I promise. In other news, Australia has just had its hottest winter in more than a century, which does not bode well for summer.