I used this recipe https://www.sourdoughhome.com/simple-sourdough-pan-bread/
The texture and crust turned out great . One of the best sourdoughs I've made.
Good fresh, great toasted. We had a late lunch so just bread and butter for dinner tonight.
The only unusual thing about it is last fall when I made the starter I threw in a handful of grass seeds I picked at the park. The starter began working sooner than any other I made. Fortunately no "essence of jogging path" is detectable.
Looks like a dense bread? Great color! mk thank you for creating this now bread and grain themed forum.
Actually I'm proud of how light it is. Most of the bubbles are very small and evenly sized. My phone is cheap and can't do anything like macro photography though, so it could be gooey and the phone wouldn't show the difference.
looks great! i like your cut pattern on top :3 very zorro
I meant it to be diamonds... but Zorro is better