Having a kid made me aware of a lot of danger lies: cribs, bike helmets, car seats. Most of these items (and the agencies that test and regulate them) create a sense of danger that far outstrips reality. I think the 40 hour work week is a massive lie. We could probably get by if everyone was willing to put in a good 10-20 hours. Or we could just agree to perfrom certain tasks, and forget about hours altogether. I suspect that my Roth IRA is a web of lies.
- Having a kid made me aware of a lot of danger lies: cribs, bike helmets, car seats
We still bought a crib, like Altucher I fell for the lies.
- The real you is always there. Before the thoughts enter it. Before the lies obscure it. Before you are convinced you are either one of “us” or one of “them”.
The real you is neither. Test every thought you have. Your thoughts are not you. They are your children. But we forget that children often need to be disciplined. Else they will test your boundaries and slowly take over the sense of what the “real you” is. You will forget the real Self that has always been there. Don’t let that happen.
I've not ever read James Altucher but I'll now start to. I enjoyed this piece quite a bit. I'm thinking the homeowner lie is just a bit of bitterness though. Should you buy a home with zero down and expect to make money when you sell it? No probably not. But if you have the capital and choose your property wisely, there are plenty of examples of this being a worthwhile investment. Alright, I'm off to lie... I mean work. Have a great day all.