I'm taking a break from the shocking amount of hours I've put into the Witcher 3 (haven't been sucked into a game like this in a very long time) to play The Witness. The Witness is a wonderful experience. Every time I complete a puzzle I feel very clever and every time come to a new area I'm delighted in the concepts it presents and the challenges it provides. The way the puzzles interact with or are informed by the environment is really great too. I'm glad I've resisted all temptation to look up hints or solutions. There have been many times now that I've stopped playing for the night completely stuck on a puzzle only to complete it on the first try the next play session without even actively thinking about it. I think that's one of the more interesting aspects of the the game, is enjoying the peculiarities of how our brains would and how we process the environment around us. I've stumbled upon some of the major themes and idea within the game and what it is trying to say as a work and I can appreciate what Jonathan Blow is trying to say. I'm also looking forward to Firewatch, which comes out today!