The context in which a particular word is used is important, and the meaning that a word carries in one usage may not be the same as in another usage. If I as a white person am racist towards someone of another race, it calls to mind the history of relations between those two races. In many cases, relations between the "white race" and pretty much any other race have been negative and one-sided. Thus it is reasonable to assume that if I as a white person am racist, I probably harbor some sort of negative and perhaps one-sided (read: oppressive) feelings or intents towards someone else. On the other hand, if a person of another race is racist towards a white person the feelings, thoughts, intents, etc towards that white person (or people) are more likely based on a history of mistreatment or fear. I'm not saying that those any type of racism is a good or positive thing. But to draw such as false equivalency between two fundamentally different things which share a name is incorrect, and given your history around here suggests that you are doing it intentionally so as to cause trouble.