Once you get good at the plank reaches, moving your arms further forward for embow planks is a good progression that also gets your glutes. If you find your wrists being the weak-link in push-ups or other pushing exercises, doing static body holds on your hands instead of your forearms can help strengthen them. Looks like a pretty good first workout though. Don't be surprised if some stats go down tomorrow, I find I often do better the first day back at it than the following week or so.
Not really, though things like handstands, handstand push-ups, dips, and more advanced gymnastics moves like planche progression, ring work, and L-sits (which you should totally do when you can, you never look as badass as rocking an L-sit) can be incredibly hard on your wrists. If you are looking at gymnastics moves like those, you should also look at elbow pre-hab—elbows are notoriously flimsy really. At some point, if you don't get access to weights, in 6-9 months, heading towards these more advanced moves will be pretty much the only way to progress.