Edited to remove that I thought he didn't have her yet during the time this was filmed. He indeed did have a daughter when this was done.
That said, the margin for error is razor thin. At one point in the video, he does a dynamic move, meaning he is all-points-off-the-wall jumping to the next hold. Had a loose couple of grains of rock been present, and his driving foot slipped, he'd be looking at a long way down. Ultimately, what killed him was what amounts to a giant free-fall swing. String a really long line between two giant towers of rock. Tie a rope to the middle of that line, long enough for a really long free-fall, but not long enough to hit the ground. Tie the other end to you. Jump. He had miscalculated where it was safe to jump from, and ended up on the ground in Yosemite. It's a really interesting read in its own right: Terminal Velocity // Outside Magazine