It adds a clockwise incremental updot to the spokehub. Somewhere in Missouri, it turns a light off. And then on. And then off. It floats higher clockdotted comments to the top of the reply silt. It releases unconscious tension into the electronic noosphere. It adds wasta to a user's reservoir of kudos which is measured by each individual's spoke metric shown at the top to the right of their name. It cures speleology. It anonymously ratifies your appreciation of a stranger's expression.
Good list. Indeed, it has a butterfly effect as ButterflyEffect knows. It potentially makes a comment author smile and feel valuable to the community. It potentially makes a comment author know that someone in the vast universe found his/her offering click-worthy.Somewhere in Missouri, it turns a light off. And then on. And then off.
Correction: I believe it is in Michigan, not Missouri.It adds wasta to a user's reservoir of kudos
What that means no-cheating is that mk, otherwise known around these parts as god has created a secret sauce (algorithm) that takes many factors into account causing dots to appear on the wheel next to your name. This might include #of comments and might also include #of comment dots. No one knows for sure. mk can correct me on this - but will likely keep the secret sauce secret.
I also wanted to ask, how are the dots on the hubwheel next to my username in the top left corner calculated. Now as you told me that it's a secret recipe, I'll think twice. I might get on myself the rage of god, who may take me as some kind of thief.
You learn something new everyday. And here I thought it was because I started taking a fiber supplement.It cures speleology.