Hang in there. It gets easier and eventually it can even get easy. You will read this when you're 27 and marvel at how you once felt. Good luck!I'm a 14 year old male who's been home schooled since birth, my only real-life chance for social interaction is via a programming club I go to once a week.
I know it's hard to believe, but I promise you, if you let yourself get there, and you are patient, eventually worlds will open up to you. By that I mean that you will have interaction with many different people, ideas, and circumstances that currently you do not have.
How is the "whacking" going? -Couldn't help but use that term. Seriously though, how are you doing caelum19? I hope that all is well, just checking in.
It's going okay. The concious side of things has improved quite a lot, but every now and then the subconcious will pop it's head up and I don't have the strength to knock it back down because the machine is kinda jammed, but the repair guy has ordered some parts and they should arrive eventually. Thanks so much for checking in. The fact this is the first time someone has 'checked in' on the internet says a lot about Hubski and the people on it :)
That all sounds positive. The fact that you are self aware enough to know that a repair guy is needed and have actually ordered the parts is a damn good thing. Cheers!