's_moving_tail.gif mk - for those of us who want to be annoying and imbed animated .gifs, can you throw us a bone?
An alternative to a bunch of booleans is html's select multiple tag. Then you could just have one form that you select "png", "jpg", "gif", etc to display inline: <option value="png">png</option> <option value="jpg">jpg</option> <option value="gif">gif</option> </select> The raw POST of what gets sent to the server then will be: display_inline: jpg display_inline: gif An example in practice: Sorry if this net nerd talk is tangential from the anime talk >_><select multiple="multiple" name="display_inline">
display_inline: png
The creator didn't get the nickname Urobutcher without reason. If have seen his previous works, you know what you are in for. Fun fact: This gave rise to the Japanese meme/slang マミる (Mamiru), which means to be decapitated like Mami Aldnoah.Zero hype
have you watched/been able to find online the rebellion story? that's all i have left to watch and i'm prepared for further emotional devastation
Ah, I don't have much to compare it to. My anime knowledge is limited to Cowboy Bebop and .hack//SIGN, both of which I loved. Sadly my short attention span makes it challenging to get through any TV show. The first of those took me six months to watch, the latter took me four years.
I feel like this is from some Christian documentary (maybe 700 club?) the exact phrasing comes up in relation to BADD: " Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons (BADD). She [Patricia Pulling], describes D&D as "a fantasy roleplaying game which uses demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, satanic-type rituals, gambling, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon summoning, necromantics, divination and other teachings." (source) It could be part of the 60 Minutes documentary here: If anyone finds it let me know, Satan fear of the late 80s/early 90s is really hilarious.