Ah, my friend, but your comparision is flawed (which I feel in a way answers you question): we see what colors we have names for. Best article So I say there are probably plenty of emotions out there we will 'discover.' Things we already feel but can't name because we don't have names for them yet, so we don't realize that they are more nuanced feelings. Words are beautiful and wonderful. Think about it. I am rarely angry but I am often irritated or frustrated. If I did not know the words for irritated or frustrated, I would just say "mad."is it a limited spectrum like color/visible light?
I've listened to the radiolab that talks about Homer and how blue didn't pop up until later: great podcast. Also the NPR interview is really converging with some insights I was having tonight that related to color, fashion, insecurity, and my identity. My mind is being blown tonight and I love it.
A quick google search turned up this somewhat relevant link : http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-01/emotions-which...