not all of the problem parents ive run into are are bad people, they just make the mistake of either assuming that children are capable of undesirable adult traits, or assuming that children are stupid. actually, our most difficult students are the ones with strict parents... most of the "bad" kids mimicking their parents bad behavior can be convinced to change their ways, but the kids with strict parents are usually so confused and nervous that its hard to get them to listen at all. source: ive spent the last 10 years (often successfully) teaching 3-5 year olds to be nice, and then watching them watch their parents behave otherwise. im a kindergarten teacher. edit: one more thing:
regardless of your discipline technique, PLEASE make sure that your children understand WHY what they did was not ok. if they dont know WHY, then youre just a big person being inexplicably mean to them.
this all sounds petty, so heres the point: i have stuff, and its more stuff than i will ever use. dont have stuff? have some of mine, im not using it anyway. no, im fine; i have plenty already. actually, this angle might no go over well with your fortune 50 audience...
what i have a hard time understanding is not the legality, but the thought process that leads anyone to feel the need to conceal a deadly weapon on their person at all times... where do these people live, that being able to apply deadly force at a moments notice is a necessity? or is it for a feeling of security? how helpless does one have to feel before secretly arming themselves? to be completely honest, id feel more uncomfortable being around a person that i know to be carrying a gun than i have ever felt anywhere in the city i live in. i understand the "right" to have a gun, but thats an excuse, not a reason. id like to hear why anyone would want to carry a gun at all.
edit: please tell me the headline "homeless people turned into wifi hotspots for sxsw" was tongue-in-cheek criticism..
lately, i just have to enjoy reading all the cards in the decks i get lent to play against my friends new decks. i myself am much happier in skyrim. edit: i would me totally into those closed deck games. anyone in tokyo/yokohama wanna play?
hmm, my first name is completely left handed on qwerty, but completely right handed on dvorak... this might explain my unpopularity...
everything yucky is best dealt with according to the definitions of yucky and not yucky as decided upon by the community. things categorised as yucky need only to be described as such, and require no explanation. logical arguments, while inherently yucky, are often turned about to support illogical points e.g. the theory of evolution is only a "theory", not fact. tldr: to them, it IS scientific fact. theres just a semantic problem. this problem will not likely be resolved.
i am exactly the same on or off; the online problem is reading sarcasm. the offline problem is reading deadpan. sigh. i am considered difficult both on and offline, and its your fault.
i dont remember, but i have seen video footage of me, at 2, dancing to this:
all that said, i like doug e fresh 'the show' as my first love.
its been a while..
the NO DANCE thing:
DJs create sets that set a mood over a period of time...
most rock/pop/rap/etc albums are a collection of individual songs,
set in an order to best fit that same kind of mood swing.
if you wanna go way back, opera does the same; modern music is often
short attention span.
sometimes, though, artists create an "album" and not just a collection of 12 random songs.
i was looking for the album ones. division bell? im gritting my teeth...
yes! and this is not well known in the US, but its great! dj set though...
ok a smile. thanks
sigh, did LOL at this one, but only because im also drunk. least sexy full nude? im gonna cheat on this one, but lemme see what i can do..
ok that was a smile... thanks though.
in the clear. hah! all the constructive stuff I did on my own, though. read: everything you (think that you) know is a result of everything youve experienced, no need to be surprised.
hah. if the "leader of the free world" was chosen by all people under that umbrella, the repubs would shrivel up faster than the banannas i keep mistakenly storing out of direct view.