This is great stuff. I agree with Humanodon on there being a lot in there. I am looking forward to the other 4 parts in this series. I like the last part about Big Brother. The absolute oppression in North Korea is indeed halting the development of the country. That much is for sure. However, I don't see how it makes a big brother senario less likely. Yes, the big brother of 1984 might not be the outcome (thoughtcrimes alone can stop development). However, a less extreme variation can exist. All you need is the illusion of freedom to let people act, invent, do art, etc. This all without threatening the established powers. Anyhow, I am intersted in the research and will seriously consider donating. Thanks for the interesting piece.
The point is that the Global Brain (a higher distributed intelligence produced by human/machine interactions via the medium of the Internet) could not be produced in a centralized fashion. If we experienced a future in a global dictatorship, the Global Brain wouldn't emerge. I actually don't even know how such a regime could stabilize itself on such a large scale. If a Global Brain emerges, it will be because of complete decentralization. I'll be detailing this very clearly in parts 3 and 4 especially. Thanks, I appreciate the consideration :)I don't see how it makes a big brother senario less likely
I am intersted in the research and will seriously consider donating.
Ah, so the point is in the fact that it cannot be centeralized. Thanks for clearing that up. It is a bit like a decenteralized computer network in that respect. It cannot be controlled because of the fact that every computer makes its own (informed) decisions.
Precisely! And we will see through the actual pathway that our system keeps decentralizing. It is a exhilarating phenomenon (and path)!