I would have said "government" rather than liberals/conservatives as to who is responsible for ruining schools. I think schools with big endowments should lose tax exempt status and/or have a permanent 1-5% yearly tax on their capital. It would, er, sharpen them. Anyway, off topic. I would also be interested to learn more about how federal money for research has changed schools from what we view as the "golden era." -XC
Well, yeah, but the definition of conservative/liberal changes a lot over the years as the center shifts. For example, we rarely argue about free silver/gold (William Jennings Bryan call your office), etc. And I read today (somewhere on the internet, so it must be true!) that congress is going to wind down Fannie and Freddie in the next few years. So apparently government sponsored mortgages for people who can't possibly afford them is no longer on the board. (Charlie Rangle, you call your office too, ok?) -XC