That's beautiful. I do wonder what it says though. I understand that that's the point, but I wonder what someone who reads and writes Farsi thinks about the piece.
I can't read it. Certainly can recognize bits and pieces here and there, but this style of inscription is not really designed to be read. Here is the 'magnificent' Tughra of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of Ottoman fame. That is an official document proclaiming a decree of the Ottoman court. I suspect the intricate design is in part motivated by a desire to prevent forged royal decrees.
So, is this style designed to be appreciated as visual art, or is there generally a specific meaning conveyed? I think being able to read non-Latin scripts is great and I think it can be very hard to move between the two unless one is very familiar with both.
See, I can't help but wonder if it makes any sense, or if it's gibberish. Fuck, for all we know, it could say, "white people will pay a fuckload for this shit, hahaha!!!!" or something that is actually meaningful and would add another dimension to the piece.
To be fair, that too would add another dimension to the piece. Aside from addressing architectural space, language and writing, cultural differences, etc., it would then address ideas around the commodification of art and cultures, and cultural appropriation.