I was very surprised to find out that Blinded By The Light was originally a Bruce Springsteen song from his first album. Finding that out actually got me into Bruce, and that's always good.
Other Springsteen covers that you know better than their originals: Patti Smith - "Because the Night" ...dang. I can't remember any others right now. Oy. Patti Smith is famed for another cover that she made more famous than the original: "Gloria". The original was by Them.
I had no idea that Springsteen wrote Because the Night, listened to Easter many many times, it's a great album. Looks like she reworked it enough to get writer credits on the song. Kind of like Bruce reworking Suicides Dream Baby Dream. I am a fan of both artist and have to say that Bruce's version is incomparable. It's probably the strangest song to do as a final encore that I've ever heard, I always feel super sad when I hear Springsteen's version.