I remember my first "mixtape" -- from an actual girl! -- it was terrible, mostly Nirvana. I listened to it pretty often anyway, then we dated, then we didn't. No clue what happened to that CD (yeah, CD, sorry, millennial typing).
The first mixtape I ever got was all Tori Amos. It started with this. To this day I have no idea what, if anything, she was trying to tell me. I interpreted it as "head for the hills". The first I ever gave started with this and went downhill from there, so I can't really talk. That one worked out in spite of me though.
After checking out your music recs for the last few months, the idea of someone giving you a Tori Amos mix is almost too hilarious for words. EDIT: lil - tell us about your first mixtape, made or received, would make a solid hubski post, if it's never been done.
YES -- you've no idea (or maybe you do). That strikes me as a stinking good writing topic, although I feel bad even suggesting one because of how rarely I actually write for them.On the other hand, the present is so intense I may not have time for the past.
Anyone can use the #todayswritingprompt tag and suggest something. I love the past - what a place!! whoo-hoo. And not just my past. Whenever I can, I hang out in 1944 in my uncles' war letters or in the 1909 London census where a genealogist (not me) discovered the cousins -- my cousins -- that my grandfather stayed with when he escaped from Siberia. Shit, when I get into the past, I'm lost. Mixed tape relationships and the stories in them... there's a deep pit I could fall into and spend the night. Meanwhile, back to the intense present.