A kind of sad irony that ebooks effectively attack the few remaining strengths paperback books have. Can't sell the high-end without the showroom. Funny, I'm the opposite here. I'm about to head to Mexico and my criteria for travel reading is the following: 1. Is it pool/beach friendly? tablets don't like direct blazing sunlight for hours a a time, get hard to read (depending on model), don't like water sand and oil, etc. 2. Can I shove it anywhere at any time and not care if the integrity of it is disturbed? 3. How bummed will I be if I leave it on the plane? For me, a nice paperback beats tablets traveling across the board. You can sit on them, leave them wherever, forget them, abuse them, -doesn't really matter, and I've yet to find a tablet that is as legible as a book in the Caribbean sun at high noon.I'm almost certain of it.
Unless I am traveling, I prefer a paper book.