I'm intrigued by the fact that Wales called it "sexual harassment". I think, without knowing Russavia's intent behind it, it's sort of a weak claim. I know many people who would consider not only that image, but the act of uploading it and writing the article something interesting, something to write about. But, also, I am almost certain that Russavia didn't upload it with that intention. EDIT: In any case, their "assume good faith" guideline would render Wales' claim of sexual harassment somewhat irrelevant. Sure, the painting uploaded to Pricasso's article didn't have to be one of Wales, but it didn't have to be anything else, either.
personally i don't care about such things, but i find the culture of inclusion on wikimedia to be a strange contrast to the deletionist culture present on wikipedia. and the whole trolling aspect is kind of interesting. but they do make a point that there should probably be an optional filter for people who are in environments where accessing the more risqué content is not socially acceptable.
This article was a strange trip. Also here is Pricasso's wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picasso