I'm not going far enough to say that I regret voting for Obama, but I'm definitely leaning that way. If Romney would've campaigned in such a way that I would have believed he would run the Presidency like he ran his governorship, I likely would've voted for him. But unfortunately "severely conservative" became his motto, and none of us disillusioned 08 Obama voters felt like we had much choice. American politics are a shame.My personal hope is that this takes down his presidency and cripples him for the next three years.
And Obama was the unexamined blank canvas. Maybe this means that HRH really can't be president. OTOH, if we had a female president that is another LARGE group of people I never have to listen complain about "lack of access to power" again. And it might be the final nail in the affirmative action coffin lid. I can dream. _XC