I just tried to post this myself. Here is what I had in the text box: From the article: It's already a reality in Denmark, Sweden and Spain. The government-prepared return would estimate your taxes using information your employer and bank already send it. Advocates say tens of millions of taxpayers could use such a system each year, saving them a collective $2 billion and 225 million hours in prep costs and time, according to one estimate. From me: I have a friend that works for a tax software company (not turbotax) and years ago we were at a dinner together sitting around a table talking politics. The conversation shifted to tax policy and someone suggested a flat tax a-la Steve Forbes, that could be calculated easily on one 3X5 notecard. Everyone at the table agreed that a simpler code would be nice except for my friend. He said, "I think the tax code should be infinitely more complex. The more complex the better". -Of course he does, his livelihood depends on it.Imagine filing your income taxes in five minutes — and for free. You'd open up a pre-filled return, see what the government thinks you owe, make any needed changes and be done. The miserable annual IRS shuffle, gone.