I think there is going to be a correction. It just jumped up to $66 today. I just sold 10% of mine for 1/2 of my initial investment. I'll hold onto that, and reinvest after the bubble pops. If you are interested in buying some, I'd wait a few weeks. I'd be very surprised if it doesn't get down below $40 again. It could easily go as low as $20, I think. The value is climbing much faster than any developments suggest it should.
I'm not at all interested in buying any at the moment. Bitcoin seems to be the mother of all volatile commodities, especially as it's untraceable and already a favorite of the illicit crowd. I'm interested in learning more, but not in a "get rich quick" sort of way but more in a "this appears to be an inflection point to the world financial markets if done right" kind of way.