Me too. How are your courses going BLOB_CASTLE? Hope all is well in the land of jazz studies!
They're going, almost done though. I just have a paper due on Monday and a final Monday night then I'm done with the term. I can't wait to take a breath of air.
Yeah, the silver lining is becoming more and more difficult to find but I'm searching for it.
Donna_Juanita is full of shit. I spent six months trying to broker a 3-way non-aggression pact between /r/mensrights, /r/seduction and /r/twoxchromosomes. The idea would be that the moderators of all three subreddits would work together such that anyone fomenting a downvote squad to attack /r/twoxchromosomes in /r/mensrights would be banned, by treaty, from /r/mensrights, not 2XC. The same would be true of the other directions. Obviously, getting banned from the place you're attacking is a badge of honor. Getting banned from your clubhouse? Not so cool. MR and Seduction were totally down. 2XC said they had no problems and refused to participate. Primary obstacle to enactment? Donna_Juanita. As per usual, diplomatic problems are easily solved via treaty. As per usual, nobody on Reddit is the slightest bit interested in climbing the stairs of their basement battle stations.
That seems terribly hyperbolic. I've never seen a link from /r/feminisms to other reddits to mock or downvote. (I'm not saying it has never happened. I do, however, see those in /r/mensrights all the time). I fail to see what Donna had to gain from objecting to that, unless she felt the agreement would be made in bad faith./r/feminisms is the action arm of /r/twoXchromosomes.
I'll be honest, I don't care much about downvote brigades. It's all pointless drama. Let the unwashed masses on Reddit fight each other while I read interesting articles here on Hubski!
The thing is with reddit, people don't really use it beyond the front page subreddits, and opinionated subreddits. Since I removed the funny, atheism and similar subreddits from my feed, it became a useful tool. Basically I kept only science, books, technology, startup and psychology subreddits. I get a lot of interesting articles that way, without the drama.
Same here. My point/argument, upvoted or downvoted, is still my point. If someone doesn't want to engage it because I have downvotes, then I don't think I want to hear them. Upvotes or downvotes shouldn't change the validity of my argument. A racist post with faulty arguments is still invalid even if it has all the upvotes and is at the front page. Meanwhile I tend to post on throwaways on reddit anyways, so I mind the downvotes even less.
Sure, but it's about visibility and about normalizing attitudes and behaviors. A post with 500 upvotes saying "OP is a faggot" and a response at -20 saying "hey, that's not cool to say" is going to make people think that it's 1. okay to call others faggots and 2. discouraged to speak up against that kind of language. Downvotes really are distributed silencing mechanisms. They reduce people's ability to see, and willingness to consider, contradictory viewpoints.