Every single item listed is something you should be enjoying if you do it right. If you do it wrong, the problem is most assuredly not how long it takes. Incidentally, speaking as a new father with a restive newborn, "49 waking years" sounds like some Kafka-esque form of Hadean torment.
As cliché as it sounds, but at least part of the journey is the reward, why should I feel bad for spending 3 1/2 years learning when I consider all the great things I know because of it? What's the problem with eating and drinking adding up to four years, if I get to taste and enjoy great foods? Why should I feel bad for spending 10 1/2 years at work, if that work is what I find fulfillment in?
Yes, their presupposition is that time spent eating isn't time with friends and family. Wtf? Who eats all of their meals in isolation? And what if you have a job you enjoy? Then those 91,000 hours seem pretty cool. Totally lame and confused marketing campaign.