An oldie but a goodie. It almost pre-dates Java, it doesn't even mention it. (published around 1997)
There are tons of 'em. Especially in India, Eastern Europe, and some of the America's - we hired a ton of great Brazillan female programmers. Nothing like a majority, but a lot more than when I was in the biz. I remember at Nortel we had one black female engineer. One. Amusingly she got promoted so fast she never did any real engineering work. -XC
Programming languages are like women- programming men don't understand why neither will work for them when they compare the two!
Are you sure that doesn't predate 1997? Were people still talking about Logo and PL/1 back then? Bonus points for APL mentions. I loved this: "LISP - She is an aging beatnik, who lives in a rural commune with her hippie cousins SMALLTALK and FORTH. " Perfect. Of course mailing something like that around now would be worth your job. -XC
The DoD mandate for Ada ended in early 1997, and an entry that it was going to was in the comp.lang.ada FAQ in mid 1996, so assuming the "You gotta love her though, because the
army says so" joke was at all timely, it had to be at most early 1996. And, indeed, it was posted in rec.humor.funny in 1991.
So I suppose that means Java is a sex-ed video actress, and Python is a high-priced escort.
Python is a high-priced escort? What do you have to pay for?
Well, more in the sense that she knows all the tricks, and everyone uses her.