For this, he's so very close to edge. I'm sure crosswinds or low pressure areas could lead to significant differences from one run to the next, even if he didn't change anything. I don't know if it's just me, but it almost looks like he got some uplift at that 1:40 pass. Or maybe his rate of descent decreased noticeably. It looks like so much fun. Perfect song. Miscalculating. The ropes that hold you against death when they're fresh and shiny new may not do it the second time after you let them sit out for three weeks. And you know what? While the ropes say "good for ten falls" and "do not leave exposed to the elements" they say a lot of other shit, too. There's too much engineering that people don't understand in adventuring, and too much adventuring that people don't understand in engineering. It's a bad place to put your life, in my opinion.