This is probably a cliched/"typical" American childhood memory, but playing catch with my dad on the sidewalk outside of our house. It's something that's still relaxing to me to this day, just tossing a baseball with a friend. I'm also still a big Baseball fan and enjoy playing recreationally.
That's a wonderful first memory. I still keep two gloves and a baseball in my trunk at all times. I love having a catch.
Me too! Because I would feel so stupid if I went somewhere and someone somehow wanted to play catch and I didn't have my trusty glove. Also to baseball games because if you go to a baseball game without a glove you're worse than a celebrity sitting courtside at a Knicks game and texting the entire time.
That's a great idea! I always have one in the vicinity. Baseball games are always good, and I live close enough to Cooperstown to go there every couple of years, that's another good memory.