I'm not a very systematic reader when it comes to those genres. However, I do find myself enjoying a lot of Sc-Fi/Fantasy that I am recommended. It's ridiculous, I haven't even read Dune yet. I know I will, -I'm kind of saving that one.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayfarers_(role-playing_game) I like classless systems, like Shadowrun. More customization allowed. We're using the 3.5 rules. We've been playing for about a year now, but with very few sessions. Sadly, everyone's busy.
Once I've got the revised PDF done, I'll shoot you a copy. Probably within the next two weeks. It's much better than our original print, IMO.
This is so right. There's fun to be had in pen-and-pencil character creation, but, for D&D at least, it comes to a point where there's just too much stuff too keep track off.