Cars, used as designed aren’t supposed to injure or kill people. Any time a gun is used properly, on the target it was designed to destroy, a life ends, whether human or animal. That makes guns a different animal than most other consumer products. No other consumer product is designed such that proper use on the target intended causes death. And outside of potentially causing that death (whether in self-defense or offense) there’s no use for them. Cars are transportation, they are used to move the driver and any passengers from one place to another at speeds faster than humans or beasts of burden can go. They’re designed to move cargo as well. I believe that self-defense can be a necessary thing, and preparing for that can be perfectly legitimate. But the argument “other products kill too, and we haven’t banned them” is a deliberate obfuscation of the issue at hand — guns are, for better or worse, designed for the purpose of killing. Cars are transportation. Ovens are for cooking. Cold medicine is for making you feel less sick. Off purpose uses of those things that injure or kill are seen as problems to be solved, not features to be enhanced.