Really just be nice. I got beef about twelve step. I stopped voicing it. But like love people you love. If the steps work ok, I’m very done being upset with those guys but if it was easy everyone would do it.
Don’t get mad. Enabling isn’t a thing. Be supportive if someone tries
I'm getting cooseto aplacce where Iaalmost cannot fear the truth lesss Cane only?WTF is going on with U?? Last Tuesday I learned that the chemo treatment my team if docs had me taebiweekly via infusion has done basically jacshirt. my tumocells are fill in every available gapbrain tumor being on my right sideI have lost allmovement in my left arm an also my left llef is abag of meatI am condemned to drag around. Fucking sucks being me right now Inow walkwith wwith acane onannd a gstabiliy atrap only. FUCK. i'e lostindeppendence. This shouldn't happen to a guy that ran 6578 mileslast summer.
Enabling isn't a thing? Will you expand on that and common misconceptions please?Iam not too familiar of them ouside the post-tehab & post relapse ramblings of my alcoholic Uncle. For years and ears his siblings accused my grandparents of enabling his reckless behaviors byenablung him to erase consequences of his irresponsible actions. I. beleivehelpingvhim take on these responsibilities at thee him up for financial consequences. He's now, good for him,got his shit together, and at age 57, working to set himself up for a likely doable retirement planI'm trying to understand how my uncle was not enabled to make terrible life choices.