To catalog how.. wonderfully... things are proceeding over at Twitter: Now, if you fork over the $8/month for a certified Muskian Blue check mark, you buy your right to longform tweets. So how is the implementation going? In the Twitter app (iOS): And after clicking the link to be able to read the rest of the tweet? It takes you to an instance of your phone's native web browser, and serves you a message that Twitter is better in the app. I thought it might be an issue with my Twitter app version. So I updated it. The result: There is no longer any way to access the rest of the tweet! No way whatsoever to read past the old character limit. Oh, how I wish there was still a way to short Twitter stock. edit: hmm, at least some long-form tweets seem to be loading properly. It's still a stupid idea, I think, because one of the appeals of twitter was to encourage succinctness.
'Nother quick update: Elon is now forcing his tweets to appear in users' Twitter feeds after he got his feelings hurt when POTUS's Super Bowl tweet performed better than his. I have Musk muted, and it works, for now, but I think it'll probably be about a week or two before that's bypassed as well. To anyone still insisting that billionaires deserve and earned all their wealth legitimately: Ha. ha. ha.
One man's desperate attempts to be loved aren't going very well, huh