Thanks for sharing! I'm not sure how you found this website but it's a pretty small and welcoming community. We've got a few other trans users on here as well. So if you're worried about posting something like this, I just want to reassure you that you're pretty safe here. So I'll ask you this: How'd you find Hubski and what made you decide to join and participate with us?
As mentioned in my last post, I broke my phone, my laptop (a school laptop with high restrictions) is my only source of entertainment and communication. I found Hubski when I was looking for interesting websites/games to play. Realizing it has a similar layout to Reddit (minus the toxicity) and interesting stories to read, I decided to get familiar with it better. I ended up joining because a recent post asked what music has been a big interest to people recently so i wanted to participate. To put a long statement short: I was bored and found this place by a random search :)
I had known about Hubski for a little while and decided to join to participate in one of those threads too! Glad you're here and I hope you stick around :)