I was drawn to this article, because I an avid reader of F.Herbert Dune, my fan Theory is that Herbert toke Oedipus as a model for Paul Atreide :
(spoiler ahead)
1/ Leto try to kill Paul via Gurley, in the training cession. Or Paul really believed his dad tried. Like the father of Oedipus try to kill him
2/ The Gom Jabbar test if Paul is Human, The Sphinx enigma is about being human
3/ Nobody ever broke the imperial conditioning (it is said so often it must be true). So Yuhei is a decoy, Yuhei didnt kill Leto. Paul did, and wrote History afterward so nobody knows but him.
4/ The daughter of Jessica , Alia, is called the Abomination. The Spice during pregnancy explanation is dubious considering, Bene gesserit used spice for so long, it should have happen already. She is a real abomination: the daughter of Paul and his mother
5/ Paul and Oedipus become king against all odds
6/ Paul become blind in 'Dune Messiah'. Of course, so is Oedipus
Weirdly enough, Antigone (the daughter of Oedipus and his mother), is buried alive by her uncle. What happened to Alia ? She is buried in her own mind, by her uncle the Baron Harkonnen.
Oh! And the Atreide curse? The only known Greek Atride, is the dude who cheated on his wife during the Troyan war, and got killed by her for that. Not very tragic. On the other hand, the Oedipus family is plagued with a real curse for generation after generation. Yeah I'm pretty sure Oedipus was the model for Dune, and F. Herbert wanted us to know.