"Well, my voters are wrong about the integrity of the 2020 election, so I will represent and (whoopsie!) reinforce their idiocy." Imagine telling yourself that. What a fucking joke. Still, I refuse to pretend like Liz Cheney is some newly-found ally. We're on the same side of a line she drew in the sand, but she's wayyyyyyy down the beach. Boohoo, Liz. The GOP will continue to consciously undermine elections. It's their #1 most coherent policy. Everything else is an afterthought to retaining power. Many of the pesky laws that stood in their way to retaining the presidency are being re-litigated to lay the groundwork for a "technically legal" power grab by the minority party in 2024. The fact that it's either several million votes (popular vote) or only a few tens of thousands of votes (electoral college) deciding the presidency shows that we definitely need some election reform. Trump's GOP currently makes a push in the opposite direction of proportional representation. Fuck fascism.