Was just about to post this. I think he's correct. China would probably ban NBC from broadcasting if they actually took Mitt's suggestion, which would be amazing, and America would forever after that insist that they won't participate in events where the authorities can create arbitrary media blackouts.
I think it makes 100% sense. China will definitely win more medals if the US doesn't participate, which is also a boon for them. The only country that loses by our non-participation is the US. An economic boycott and a media highlighting of their crimes against humanity would be excellent.
I'm not sure what is meant by, "the absolute least." Sometimes having and standing by your convictions may seem like a small effort, but it's anything but. In the face of a tremendous amount of pressure, Romney was the sole GOP vote to convict Trump in the first impeachment and only one of 6 to do so after the insurrection. I don't agree with many of his policy proposals but I admire that he is a man of conviction. Some of those convictions differ from my own, but at least he has them. This is more than I could say for many politicians, of both parties. So many sheeple. A lot of people forget that he's the guy that implemented healthcare reform in Massachusetts, a move that in many ways has lead to millions of Americans being covered. Is he a mormon? Yes. Is mormonism weird? No weirder than any other organized religion, imo. If Romney had been the GOP candidate in the pervious election I would have considered voting for him. I would have still voted Biden, but I would have at least considered it. Anyways, I would amend the tweet thus: I love how Mitt Romney reappears once every three months to outshine the entire Republican Party by having convictions and reasonable ideas.