Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know Trump reads at the level of a 3rd grader and can't see past the end of his nose. But this interview with Rex Tillerson - one of his many Sec's of State - is truly horrifying; for both what Tillerson says, and what he artfully leaves you to read between the lines. The short list of horrors includes, Trump has no knowledge of any history at all, Trump can't process any document with more than two bullet points, pictures are the only way to communicate ideas to him, some people have access to Trump and seed ideas in his head before he even leaves his room in the morning to meet with his official staff (and these people are clearly batshit), and that someone who worked directly with Trump was unable to decipher ANY of his motivations for ANYTHING. Trump is literally a South Park character; a paper cutout with no depth, solely to illustrate a point. I have never once liked, admired, or respected Tillerson. The guy is a far right fuck warmonger from the old-world Cold War days, who never met a child he didn't want to bomb or poison (see: Exxon). But in this short interview I feel sorry for him... the guy TRIED to do his job... I wanna use the word "valiantly" but I can't... and finally had to give up and leave. This is a privileged old white man who has had the world handed to him on a plate since birth, and has never had to wave the white flag EVER... and Trump's incompetence broke him. Bush Jr was just dumb. A puppet propped up by his daddy's CIA buddies. Reagan was a brainless automaton who did what he was told, and said what he was told to say. Trump is, at his core, nihilistic evil. But we all knew that...