I remember reading her Fountainhead and becoming almost a serious Objectivist. Scary and extremely ignorant times.
I read The Fountainhead when I was 17. I definitely mulled those ideas over for some time. But the rape thing. That was almost a warning sign, even then. Something here is not quite right. I do think that Rand helped push me along to a better place, however. I now understand that ideals and ideology are not one and the same. Also, purity in action is a lie. It is a sure route to hypocrisy. Worthy deeds and efforts are always wrought with complexity.
Very funny - and certainly provoked arguments among the comments. I liked this line from one of the commentators who enjoyed the article. Another commentator mentioned that there was a difference between satire and sarcasm.The world is a far more interesting place once you embrace its complexity and subtlety.