Anyone who isn't paying Judd Legum for a subscription to his newsletter is not doing as much as they can for the world. His emails have caused multinational corporations to do an about-face on DOZENS of major issues. He is a one man integrity wrecking ball. Say one thing and do another? Judd will find out. And all of the major media outlets pick up his stories within a day of him posting them. He's DOING THE WORK. So throwing him a few bucks a month is a Good Deed and increasing the amount of good and integrity in the world.
Yup. Musta been a few months ago when I said "Here Judd, take my $50 bill." I don't even read all the emails, but I like that my money is supporting maximally investigative journalism.
I think the National Enquirer is kinda of like the Sunday Paper and the advertising circulars that are dumped in our mail boxes every day... they are a force of nature that just need to be endured. Like mosquitos. Getting rid of them would definitely damage some other part of the ecosystem we actually place value on...! :-)