Looks like you need to buy a new/bigger house because built in adjustments in those contracts increase your wage a nominal 2.5- 3% a years. With the interest rate at 3 you basically aren’t paying anything in interest it’s free money. You have an upside risk if rates ever hit 5%+ but I’m pretty sure the us government will not be able to survive rates above 6 without some sort of massive printing and inflation.
There are no adjustments in those contracts. WE just re-upped three of them and the prices are exactly what they were. And insurance contracts are like buying diamonds from DeBeers - you take it or you leave it and if you leave it you have to recertify.
Ours adjusts like 2.5% a year or so. The company plays games with the pool but generally you still get around 2-3%. If I knew I would keep my job I’d feel secure buying a million dollar house, unfortunately our company will likely lay off 50-60 % of the workforce and while I’m on good terms with my boss we don’t go to the same church or do regular dinner parties so I may or may not survive that large of a cut