yeah there's probably a total of about 30 or 40 people who regularly use this site anyway, there really isn't a big barrier towards changing the culture of posting on the site if it's something people have a problem with - i think over half the userbase of the site has already weighed in about it saying "yeah we should change" already so it seems pretty easy i think people are just getting too maddycakes at each other on here and take that to mean the grand death of civility in america it's worth taking a breath i guess for everybody on here i feel like
I think no one has to present a proposed avenue of attack for a solution in order for them to recognize and do what they individually can to resolve an existing problem, lol I get that "actions i state i will do to fix the problem i perceive to exist" are missing, in general, from the posts being made, but c'mon. this isn't a business and i don't post the way i send emails for my job. it doesn't mean those thoughts aren't also on people's minds. the important thing is to acknowledge there is an opportunity to improve. you really can't do anything without that